August 25, when the ordeal began for a Muslim community of Myanmar. Rohingya Refugees these are now not just words. These words now talk themselves. The tale of fears, uncertainty, lost and a scary genocide of a world history. According to a report from UN says, more than 6,00,000 Rohingya Refugees fled from Myanmar and entered Bangladesh since August 25, 2017 (published on October 22, 2017) but the reality is much more than that. The question is, have they got the alleviation they were hoping for? They came Bangladesh just to save their lives and left all their belongings behind. They are still living with uncertainty, turbidity and with the pain of lost ones. The terror still hunting them, mostly the children. Many of the refugees have seen their family, relatives to be killed in front of them. Some of them said, their houses were burning and the family members were still inside. They couldn’t save them. Are we ever going to fix this horrific memory from their intellect! Can they overcome this trauma? Yes, the trauma which can affect someone that bad, that maybe we ca ’t even imagine. They are living in incertitude. They do ’t know if tomorrow they will get their food or not, kids will ever have a better future or not.
Through my photographs, I’ve tried to show, how these people living these days. How they fighting with their fear, trauma every day. Where every day having a placid sleep seems like winning a battle for them.
Newly arrived Rohingya Refugee entaring in the main land of Bangladesh through Sahporirdip.A Rohingya Refugee carried his mental and physically challenged brother all the way from Myanmar to Bangladesh , waiting for the boat to get in the main land of Teknaf.Imam Hossain got two shots in both of his legs while he was escaping his village. His two brother carried him from Myanmar and he is getting treatment after reached in Bangladesh.Shaheda (40), Buddhist Mobs burned her house when she was inside with her family. She got many injuries and escaped with her two sons but she lost her other two children and husband.A Rohingya Child sitting under a plastic with her mother as they didn’t get into camp nor get any tent. 5. A Rohingya kid hiding himself from strangers. Many kids now get afraid to meet strangers and many other affected with trauma at Thankhali, Teknaf.A man protecting his home from heavy rain , with tarpaulin upon a hill. This whole place used to be green and woods, Balukhali, Cox’s Bazar.A Rohingya kid, who is suffering from high fever since his family staying at Balukhali Rohingya Camp, Cox’s Bazar.Rohingya men and children waiting beside road in rain and asking for help to passing by people.Sabukunnahar was happy to make a video call to her uncle, who stayed back there in Myanmar.Rohingya muslims having their evening prayer under open sky, Thankhali, Teknaf.A Rohingya girl standing with her sibling at Thankhali, Teknaf.